Course Lessons

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Welcome / What to Expect

    • Training and Teaching

    • - Questions: Training and Teaching

    • Brutal Facts / #NoPlaceLeft Vision

    • - Questions: Brutal Facts / #NoPlaceLeft Vision

    • 5 Parts / 4 Fields of Jesus' Strategy

  • 2

    411 - Why, Who, What & When?

    • Intro to 411

    • 1) Why? - Identity

    • 2) Who? - Oikos Map

    • 3) What? - Part 1 (15-Sec Testimony)

    • 3) What? - Part 2 (3 Circles)

    • 4) When? - Set Goals

    • - Questions: 4) When? - Set Goals

  • 3


    • Modeling Command of Christ 1: Repent & Believe

    • 3/3s (Three-Thirds) Pattern of Discipleship

    • Church Circle (Acts 2:36-47)

    • Feedback & Follow Ups